Print labels for products to identify brand and product information

Product labels are an indispensable part of any product, from food, beverages, cosmetics, electronics to industrial products. Product labels play an important role in identifying brands, providing product information and attracting customer attention.

The role of printing labels for products

Product labels play an important role for both businesses and customers. For businesses, product labels help:
Identifying the brand: Product labels are one of the most important factors that help businesses build and assert their brand. Product labels with beautiful and unique designs will help your business’s products be easily recognized and remembered by customers.
Providing product information: Product labels provide customers with necessary information about the product, including product name, ingredients, uses, instructions for use… This information helps customers Understand the product better and make the right purchasing decision.
Attract customers’ attention: A creative, eye-catching product label will attract customers’ attention, helping your business’s products stand out from other products on the market.
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Print labels for products

For customers, product labels

Product recognition: Product labels help customers identify a business’s products, especially for products with many competing brands on the market.
Find out product information: Product labels provide customers with necessary information about the product, helping customers make the right purchasing decisions.
Create a feeling of trust: A professionally designed, clear product label will create a feeling of trust for customers, helping them be ready to buy.

Product label requirements

Product labels need to meet the following requirements:
Comply with legal regulations: Product labels must comply with legal regulations on labeling of goods.
Accurate, complete information: Product labels must provide all necessary information about the product, including product name, ingredients, uses, instructions for use…
Clear and easy to read: Product labels must be designed to be clear and easy to read, helping customers easily find and receive information.
Creative and eye-catching: Product labels need to be designed creatively and eye-catching to attract customers’ attention.
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Product label requirements

Types of product labels

Depending on the type of product and intended use, product labels can be classified into the following types:
Self-adhesive product labels: This is the most common type of product label, often used for small packaged products such as food, beverages, cosmetics…
Paper product labels: Paper product labels are often used for large sized products such as packaging, boxes…
Plastic product labels: Plastic product labels are often used for heat-resistant and water-resistant products such as household appliances, electronic devices…
Metal product labels: Metal product labels are often used for luxury and classy products such as jewelry, high-end electronics…
In nhãn cho sản phẩm
Print labels for products

Product labels are an important element in branding and attracting customers. Businesses need to invest time and effort to design beautiful, creative and informative product labels to help their products compete effectively in the market.


Address: Căn 08, Dolphin Plaza, 28 Trần Bình, Mỹ Đình 2, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

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