Printing workshop in the days leading up to Tet

In the days leading up to Tet, printing factories become busier than ever. The demand for printing products for Tet has increased, causing printing factories to work at full capacity to promptly complete orders.

The atmosphere is bustling and urgent

In the days leading up to Tet, the atmosphere at printing factories is always bustling and urgent. From early morning to late evening, printing staff are always busy with their work. They have to work hard to promptly complete orders and meet customer needs.

Traditional printing products

The most popular traditional printing products during Tet are:
Tet calendar: Tet calendar is one of the most popular traditional printing products during Tet. Tet calendars are often printed with images of peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, couplets, folk paintings, etc., meaning wishes for a happy, prosperous and lucky new year.
Lucky envelopes: Lucky envelopes are a type of envelope used to hold lucky money during Tet. Red envelopes are often printed with funny, funny images, or meaningful wishes.
Tet decoration: Traditional printing products are also used to decorate homes, offices, offices… during Tet, such as: couplets, wall paintings, decals,…

The joy of those who work in the printing profession

Even though they have to work hard, those who work in printing always feel cheerful and happy. They feel proud to contribute to creating beautiful and meaningful products for people to celebrate Tet.

End of the old year, start of a new year

The days leading up to Tet are a time for people to gather and reunite with family and friends. This is also the time for printing workshops to demonstrate their role in contributing to creating the joyful and bustling atmosphere of traditional Tet.


Address: Căn 08, Dolphin Plaza, 28 Trần Bình, Mỹ Đình 2, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

Hotline: 0348.793.698 – 0825.727.265




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